12 research outputs found


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    The focus of this study is the role of previously acquired languages in the acquisition of a third language (L3). It is focused on cross-linguistic influences (CLI) in German/Spanish third language acquisition (TLA) by learners with Croatian first language (L1) and English second language (L2). Participants in this study were third-year undergraduate students at Rochester Institute of Technologyā€™s subsidiary in Croatia (RIT Croatia). All the participants had exclusively Croatian as L1, English as L2, and were learning German and Spanish as L3 at the time of the study. The present study investigates the relationship between language typology and formal similarity and transfer/error production, since many studies have demonstrated that typology plays a determining role in cross-linguistic transfer (Cenoz, Hufeisen & Jessner 2001; Hammarberg 2001; Rothman 2010). There are various areas of similarity and dissimilarity between Croatian, English, German, and Spanish. A significant portion of English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources. Due to these facts, we argue that the strongest L2 (English) influence will be found in the area of lexicon. On the other hand, Croatian, German, and Spanish are more similar in the area of morphology, due to the fact that these languages have a higher degree of inflection than English. Accordingly, we argue that the strongest L1 (Croatian) influence will be found in the area of morphology. The results of this research confirmed our initial hypothesis that the type of transfer episodes observed may be related to language typology and formal similarity between specific features of languages. Similarities at the level of lexis and grammar between L2 English and L3 German and Spanish can influence the acquisition process of German and Spanish.U srediÅ”tu pozornosti ovoga istraživanja je uloga prethodno usvojenih jezika u procesu ovladavanja trećim jezikom. Cilj je rada istražiti međujezične utjecaje prilikom usvajanja njemačkog/Å”panjolskog kao trećega jezika (L3) kod učenika kojima je hrvatski prvi/materinski jezik (L1), a engleski drugi jezik (L2). Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 60 ispitanika koji su polaznici treće godine Rochester instituta za tehnologiju (RIT Croatia). Svi ispitanici bili su izvorni govornici hrvatskoga jezika kojima je engleski bio drugi strani jezik, a u vrijeme istraživanja učili su njemački i Å”panjolski kao treći strani jezik. Ovaj rad istražuje odnos jezične tipologije i formalne sličnosti te prijenosa i proizvodnje pogreÅ”aka, Å”to je u skladu s provedenim istraživanjima koja ukazuju da tipologija ima ključnu ulogu u međujezičnom prijenosu (Cenoz, Hufeisen i Jessner 2001; Hammarberg 2001; Rothman 2010). Postoje različita područja sličnosti i različitosti između hrvatskoga, engleskoga, njemačkoga i Å”panjolskoga jezika. Značajan udio engleskog vokabulara upravo potječe iz romanskih i latinskih izvora, dok Å”panjolski i engleski također dijele brojne srodne riječi. U skladu s navedenim činjenicama držimo da će najjači utjecaj engleskog jezika (L2) biti upravo u području leksika. S druge strane, hrvatski, njemački i Å”panjolski ukazuju na veće sličnosti u području morfologije budući da hrvatski, njemački i Å”panjolski imaju veći stupanj fleksije u usporedbi s engleskim jezikom. U skladu s navedenim pretpostavkama držimo da će najsnažniji utjecaj hrvatskoga jezika (L1) biti upravo u području morfologije. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su naÅ”u inicijalnu hipotezu da se vrsta promatranog transfera može dovesti u vezu s jezičnom tipologijom i formalnom sličnosti među specifičnim obilježjima jezika. Sličnosti u području leksika i gramatike između engleskog (L2) te njemačkog i Å”panjolskog (L3) mogu olakÅ”ati proces usvajanja njemačkog i Å”panjolskog jezika


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    Learning strategies today represent a topical field of research in glottodidactics. Oxford (1990) defines them as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, and more transferrable to new situations of language learning and use. Deployment of appropriate strategies ensures greater success in learning and more confidence. The first part of the paper lists the key definitions of learning strategies, while the second part presents the results of a quantitative survey that was conducted at the American College of Management and Technology in Dubrovnik on a sample of 181 respondents learning German, Spanish, French and Italian. The learning strategies were tested using a questionnaire based on Oxford\u27s SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, Oxford, 1990). The survey was aimed at determining gender differences in the use of learning strategies and differences in the application of certain types of learning strategies. The results have shown that there are statistically significant differences in the frequency of the learning strategy use: memory strategies are most frequently used ones, while cognitive strategies are the least frequently used. However, there are gender differences in the use of learning strategies, where the female sex more frequently use all types of learning strategies, apart from socio-affective strategies. The final part of the paper lists the implications for teaching practice and provides guidelines for future research.Strategije učenja danas predstavljaju aktualno područje ispitivanja u glotodidaktici. Oxford (1990) ih definira kao specifične aktivnosti koje učenik poduzima kako bi proces učenja učinio lakÅ”im, bržim i ugodnijim te kako bi iste mogao primijeniti u novim situacijama učenja i uporabe jezika. Primjena prikladnih strategija osigurava veći uspjeh u učenju i veću sigurnost. U prvom dijelu rada navedene su ključne definicije pojma strategija učenja, dok su u drugom dijelu predstavljeni rezultati kvantitativnog istraživanja koje je provedeno na Američkoj visokoj Å”koli za management i tehnologiju u Dubrovniku na uzorku koji je obuhvatio 181 ispitanika njemačkog, Å”panjolskog, francuskog i talijanskog jezika. Za ispitivanje strategija učenja koriÅ”ten je upitnik koji se temelji na Oxfordinom SILL-u (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, Oxford, 1990). Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrditi spolne razlike u uporabi strategija učenja, te razlike u uporabi pojedinih tipova strategija učenja. Rezultati su pokazali da se strategije učenja statistički značajno različito često koriste: najčeŔće se koriste strategije pamćenja, a najrjeđe kognitivne strategije. S druge strane, postoje spolne razlike u uporabi strategija učenja, gdje se ženski spol čeŔće koristi svim tipovima strategija učenja, osim druÅ”tveno-afektivnim. U zavrÅ”nom dijelu navode se implikacije za nastavnu praksu, te se daju smjernice za buduća istraživanja

    Construction of the Questionnaire on Foreign Language Learning Strategies in Specific Croatian Context

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    Learning strategies are special thoughts or behaviours that individuals use to understand, learn or retain new information, according to the point of view of O\u27Malley & Chamot. The other view, promoted by Oxford, believes learning strategies are specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, and more transferrable to new situations of language learning and use. The use of appropriate strategies ensures greater success in language learning. The aim of the research was to establish metric characteristics of the Questionnaire on learning strategies created by the author, in line with the template of the original SILL questionnaire (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning). The research was conducted at the Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia on a sample of 201 participants who learned German, Spanish, French and Italian as a foreign language. The results have shown that one-component latent dimensions which describe the space of foreign language learning strategies according to Oxfordā€™s classification, have metric characteristics which are low, but still satisfactory (reliability and validity). All dimensions of learning strategies appeared not to be adequately defined. Therefore, we excluded compensation strategies and merged social and affective strategies into social-affective strategies into the unique dimension. Overall, this version of Oxfordā€™s original questionnaire, based on Oxford\u27s theoretical construct, applied on Croatian students, clearly shows that current version of the questionnaire has poor metric characteristics. One of the explanations of the results obtained could be positioned in multicultural context and intercultural dialogue. Namely, particular social, political and economic context in Croatia could shape even foreign language learning strategies

    Female Students View The Knowledge of Foreign Languages as More Important for Careers in Tourism Than Male Students?

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    The proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a basic assumption for successful communication in tourism. Tourism and mobility have a significant and important role, where intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. This paper attempts to explore gender differences in the perceptions of students from the Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT Croatia regarding the importance of knowing various foreign languages in tourism. The results obtained could help in raising the awareness of the importance of the role of learning and teaching foreign languages, with potential effects in developing and promoting tourism in Croatia. The key research finding is that the female students generally consider knowing foreign languages as more important than male students. This finding could indicate that women are potentially more demanding tourists. However, in most variables the study failed to find any statistically significant differences


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    The proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a basic prerequisite for successful communication in the tourism industry, as well as for mutual understanding among students involved in the exchange programs with different universities, especially in foreign countries. In this regard, tourism and mobility play a significant role, while intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. Raising awareness of the importance of foreign language proficiency as well as fostering the development of intercultural competence in the area of tourism and hospitality industry is extremely important. This survey has attempted to explore the differences among the third and fourth year American College of Management and Technology (ACMT) studentsā€™ perceptions of the importance of the knowledge of various foreign languages for tourism industry. A key finding of this survey about the differences in the perception of students in different years of study of the importance of foreign language knowledge is that, as compared to younger students, fourth year students consistently attach greater importance to the knowledge of foreign languages. Since in most variables we have not found statistically significant differences, this conclusion cannot be accepted as an absolute rule


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    The proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a basic assumption for successful communication in tourism. Tourism and mobility have a significant and important role, where intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. This paper attempts to explore gender differences in the perceptions of students from the Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT Croatia regarding the importance of knowing various foreign languages in tourism. The results obtained could help in raising the awareness of the importance of the role of learning and teaching foreign languages, with potential effects in developing and promoting tourism in Croatia. The key research finding is that the female students generally consider knowing foreign languages as more important than male students. This finding could indicate that women are potentially more demanding tourists. However, in most variables the study failed to find any statistically significant differences.Kompetencija u viÅ”e stranih jezika predstavlja ključnu pretpostavku za uspjeÅ”nu komunikaciju u turizmu. Turizam i mobilnost imaju značajnu ulogu, a interkulturalni kontakti doprinose izgradnji interkulturalnoga dijaloga. Cilj je ovoga članka utvrditi spolne razlike u percepciji studenata koji pohađaju Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT Croatia u Dubrovniku u odnosu na važnost znanja različitih stranih jezika u oblasti turizma. Dobiveni rezultati doprinijeti će podizanju svjesnosti o važnosti uloge učenja i poučavanja stranih jezika s potencijalnim učinkom razvoja i promocije turizma u Hrvatskoj. Najznačajniji rezultat dobiven u ovome istraživanju ukazuje da ispitanice generalno smatraju kompetenciju u stranome jeziku važnijom u odnosu na muÅ”ke ispitanike. Ovaj nalaz također ukazuje da su žene potencijalno zahtjevniji turisti. U većini varijabli ovo istraživanje nije ukazalo na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika

    Language Learning Strategy Use in Relation to Foreign Language Proficiency and Language Learning Level

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    Strategije učenja danas predstavljaju aktualno područje ispitivanja u području usvajanja stranoga jezika. Oxford (1990) ih definira kao specifične aktivnosti koje učenik poduzima kako bi proces učenja učinio lakÅ”im, bržim i ugodnijim te kako bi ih mogao primijeniti u novim situacijama učenja i uporabe jezika. Primjena prikladnih strategija učenja osigurava veći uspjeh u učenju i veću sigurnost. U prvome dijelu rada navode se ključne definicije pojma ā€˜strategija učenjaā€™, dok su u drugome dijelu predstavljeni rezultati kvantitativnoga istraživanja koje je provedeno na Američkoj visokoj Å”koli za management i tehnologiju u Dubrovniku (ACMT) i na SveučiliÅ”tu u Dubrovniku. Uzorak je obuhvatio 181 ispitanika koji uče njemački, Å”panjolski, francuski i talijanski kao strani jezik na dvije razine učenja: početnoj i srednjoj. Za ispitivanje strategija učenja izrađen je upitnik koji se temelji na upitniku o strategijama učenjima (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) koji je oblikovala Oxford (1990). Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrditi razlike u uporabi strategija učenja u odnosu na razinu učenja stranoga jezika te prethodnu ocjenu iz stranoga jezika. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su da se u odnosu na razinu učenja stranoga jezika ispitanici statistički značajno razlikuju prema uporabi strategija učenja. Razlike su prisutne za dvije skupine strategija učenja: druÅ”tveno-afektivne i kognitivne, i to u smjeru veće zastupljenosti kod ispitanika na početnom stupnju učenja. S druge strane, utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u uporabi strategija učenja u odnosu na prethodnu ocjenu iz stranoga jezika. Učenici s izvrsnom ocjenom viÅ”e se koriste skupinom druÅ”tveno-afektivnih strategija i strategija pamćenja. U zavrÅ”nome dijelu navode se implikacije za nastavnu praksu te se daju smjernice za buduća istraživanja.Learning strategies today represent an important field of research in the field of second language acquisition. Oxford (1990) defines them as specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, and more transferrable to new situations of language learning and use. The use of appropriate strategies ensures greater success in learning and more confidence. The first part of the paper contains the key definitions of learning strategies, while the second part presents the results of a quantitative survey that was conducted at the American College of Management and Technology and at the University in Dubrovnik on a sample of 181 respondents learning German, Spanish, French and Italian as a foreign language at two language learning levels: beginning and intermediate. The learning strategies were tested using a questionnaire based on Oxfordā€™s SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, Oxford, 1990). The survey aimed at determining differences in the use of learning strategies in relation to the language learning level, and previous grade earned in the foreign language. Compared to the language learning level the results have shown that there are statistically significantly differences in the use of social-affective and cognitive strategies in the direction of greater strategy use among the students at the beginning language level. However, there is a statistically significant difference in the use of learning strategies compared to the previous grade earned in a foreign language. Students with an excellent grade use more frequently social-affective and memory strategies. The final part of the paper specifies the implications for teaching practice and provides guidelines for future research

    Relationship between personality traits and coping strategies with mental readiness of soldiers

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    DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja uglavnom su objaÅ”njavala odnos radne uspjeÅ”nosti i ličnosti te ličnosti i strategija suočavanja sa stresom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati međuodnos crta ličnosti, strategija suočavanja sa stresom i psihičke spremnosti vojnika. Psihička spremnost bila je koriÅ”tena kao indikator kontekstualne radne uspjeÅ”nosti. Ispitivanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku profesionalnih vojnika Hrvatske kopnene vojske (N=389). Prvi problem bio je ispitati postoji li povezanost između crta ličnosti i psihičke spremnosti vojnika. Drugi problem bio je ispitati vezu strategija suočavanja i psihičke spremnosti te provjeriti predviđaju li strategije suočavanja psihičku spremnost vojnika povrh njihovih osobina ličnosti. Rezultati provedenih analiza pokazali su povezanost crta ličnosti (ekstraverzije, anksioznosti i samokontrole) sa psihičkom spremnoŔću te povezanost nadređenog faktora strategija suočavanja (emocijama usmjereno suočavanje) sa psihičkom spremnoŔću. Rezultati hijerarhijske regresijske analize pokazali su da se opisanim setom prediktorskih varijabli (crte ličnosti, strategije suočavanja) može objasniti svega oko 17% ukupne varijance psihičke spremnosti vojnika pri čemu su značajni prediktori bili samo crte ličnosti anksioznost i samokontrola. Nadređeni faktori strategija suočavanja sa stresom (emocijama usmjereno suočavanje, rjeÅ”avanje problema i traženje podrÅ”ke te prihvaćanje situacije) nisu se pokazali dobrim prediktorima psihičke spremnosti vojnika povrh osobina ličnosti.Previous studies have generally explained the relationship between job performance and personality and between personality and coping strategies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interrelationship between personality traits, coping strategies and mental readiness of soldiers. Mental readiness was used as an indicator of contextual job performance. Testing was conducted on a convenience sample of Croatian Army soldiers (N=389). The first problem was to examine the relationship between personality traits and mental readiness. Another problem was to examine the relationship between coping strategies and mental readiness, and to check whether coping strategies predict mental readiness of soldiers above their personality. The results of the analysis showed an association between personality traits (extraversion, anxiety and self-control) with mental readiness and connection between main factor of coping strategies (emotion-focused coping) with mental readiness. Results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that the described set of predictor variables (personality traits, coping strategies) can explain only about 17% of the total variance of mental readiness of while significant predictors were only personality traits, anxiety and self-control. Superior factors of coping strategies (emotion-focused coping, problem solving and seeking support and acceptance of the situation) have not proved as good predictors of mental readiness of soldiers in addition to personality traits

    Language Proficiency for Careers in Tourism and Learning Different Second Foreign Languages

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    This paper attempts to explore differences in perceptions of students from the American College of Management and Technology (ACMT) on the importance of knowledge of various foreign languages in tourism, according to the types of second foreign languages that they learned. A total of 107 participants that are currently attending American College of Management and Technology in Dubrovnik were examined by a questionnaire, designed by the authors of this paper. Key finding in this research is the fact that students consistently consider knowledge of foreign languages in general important, while the type of second foreign language those participants learned didnā€™t appear to be an important factor in any of hospitality services, institutions or types of tourism. The results obtained could help in raising the awareness of the importance of the role of learning and teaching foreign languages, with a potential consequence of developing and promoting tourism in Dubrovnik and Croatia in general

    Morphometric characteristics, shapes and provenance of Holocene pebbles from the Sava River gravels (Zagreb, Croatia)

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    Morphometric analysis of Holocene pebbles from Sava River gravel in NW Croatia revealed shape distributions as observed along a 30 km long watercourse. Limestones, dolomites, and sandstones were identified as the major (>4%) and effusive magmatics in this alluvial aquifer system in Zagreb, with cherts and tuffs as minor pebble lithologies (up to 4%). Their distributions mainly indicate distant Alpine provenance for carbonate pebbles (limestone and dolomite) and local input for sandstones and minor lithotypes, laterally from the Samoborska Gora and Medvednica mountain. Carbonates are predominantly disc- and sphere-shaped, implying distant sources. Scattered distributions of pebble shapes (sphere, disc, blade, and rod) for sandstones and minor lithotypes possibly indicate multiple sources, some of them probably local. The tentatively interpreted ā€œoriginal sedimentary environmentsā€ for the main pebble lithotypes (calculated from their flatness ratios) possibly indicate that they are predominantly lake beach pebbles, followed by moraine and riverbed pebbles. However, these results should be strongly questioned